Break toxic family cycles
Reclaim your life

The Cycle Breaker Summit has ended.

But don't worry! You can still access all 25+ replays, the summit podcast, $1000+ in bonuses, and more with the All Access Pass.


Presented by Reclaim You: Heal as Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents Program

Break the cycle. Step into your power.

A free 4-day online summit to help you break the cycle of toxic family chaos, heal from the dysfunction, and reclaim your life and your power.

Watch this video to learn how this event will help you break free from toxic and narcissistic family dynamics:

Taking back your life and embracing your true self after a toxic or narcissistic upbringing takes more than just hoping things will get better on their own.

You’re doing a lot of things right: You’re recognizing the need for change, seeking support, and trying to set boundaries.

But… the fear, guilt, and obligation keep pulling you back into the toxic vortex.

Maybe right now you….

  • Feel overwhelmed by constant family drama

  • Struggle with guilt and obligation towards your family

  • Find it hard to set and keep boundaries

  • Feel lost and disconnected from your true self

During the summit you’ll learn how to step into the vibrant, authentic person you know you can be, reclaiming yourself and discovering who you truly are.

  • Ready to move out of the toxic/narcissistic dynamic and into a place of peace and calm?

  • After years of not knowing, do you yearn to find your true, authentic self?

  • Wanting to move from soul-sucking to life-giving relationships?

  • Wanting practical advice and steps forward to help you heal?

  • Looking to let go of guilt and shame around what you've been through?

Who is this summit for?

How can this summit help?

This summit is BY cycle breakers FOR cycle breakers. We designed this to be a curation of some of the most healing practices and ways forward we have to share. Each of us has our own experience and approaches to healing – which gives you an amazing opportunity to sample our different styles and to find ones that resonate with you. There is so much valuable information and support contained within each of the talks we will be sharing. Each one alone has the capacity to radically change the way you feel and live your life.

Meet the Speakers

Incredible experts to support every aspect of cycle breaking

Day 1: Breaking Free from the Past

  • Dr. Sherrie Campbell

    Not All Parents Are Good

  • Jerry Wise

    Overcoming Toxic Family Guilt and Shame

  • Mary Toolan

    Recover from Family Scapegoating: Heal from Limiting Beliefs

  • Dr. Sharon Martin

    How Distance from a Narcissistic Parent Can Help You Heal

  • Laura K. Connell

    Managing the Guilt of Going No-Contact

  • Rev. Sheri Heller, LCSW, RSW

    Sweet on the Surface: the Benign Parental Abuser

  • Ashley Ayala, LMFT

    Re-writing Your Story After Toxic Family Dynamics & Generational Trauma

  • Dr. Taylor Damiani

    Are you afraid of your narcissistic parent? Here’s what to do about it.

Day 2: Healing From Within

  • Shannon Petrovich, LCSW

    I'm done with the narcissist; why do I feel WORSE?!

  • Dr. Stephanie Carinia

    Developing Your 'Self' After Having a Narcissistic Parent

  • Danu Morrigan

    Mothering as a Daughter of A Narcissistic Mother

  • Tracy A. Malone

    Rebuilding Trust: Navigating the Journey After Trauma

  • Shenikka Moore-Clarke, LICSW

    Reparenting Yourself

  • Karen C.L. Anderson

    Shedding Generational Shame: Healing from Maternal Lineage Wounds

  • Diane Metcalf

    Navigating Narcissism Awareness Grief: Moving Through the Grief Process

  • Dr. Meg Haworth

    5 Core Wounds of Parental Narcissistic Abuse

  • Rachel Grant

    Releasing Shame After a Narcissistic Upbringing

  • Dr. Taylor Damiani

    Radical Acceptance: Facing (and healing from) the Devastating Truths We Never Wanted to Face

Day 3: Rising Stronger

  • Crystal R. Currie, LCMHC

    Transgenerational Trauma & Its Impact on Marginalized Communities

  • Marnie Grundman

    Surviving Estrangement from a Narcissistic Family System

  • Valerie Olvera

    Breaking Out of the 'Good Girl' Mold

  • Kristin Davin, PsyD

    Breaking Unhealthy Relationship Patterns After a Toxic Upbringing

  • Emily Gibson

    Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

  • Harriet Gleeson

    Reclaiming Your Authentic Self After Growing Up in a Narcissistic Family

  • Tanya-Marie Dubé

    Rebuilding Your Life After Narcissistic Abuse

  • Cheryl Fidelman

    Conscious Codependence™

Meet your host

Hi, I’m Taylor! I’m a Psychologist, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach, and someone who has walked the path you're on. Growing up with a narcissistic parent, I intimately understand the self-doubt and relentless search for identity that can come with this upbringing. I was plagued by the question: "Who am I, really?"  It took years of introspection and self-discovery for me to find answers to that question. Now I’m on a mission to help others who have suffered from toxic and narcissistic upbringings to do the same.

My passion and purpose are to help people raised by narcissistic parents to reclaim their sense of self, peace, and purpose. What’s become clear to me through this work and my own journey is that healing together is a powerful source of strength and inspiration. That's why I decided to create this summit. You are not alone – you are part of a community that understands, supports, and empowers.

The Details

When and Where

The Cycle Breaker Summit will run from June 26-29, with a variety of presentations to choose from each day. This event is entirely virtual, so you’ll be able to attend from anywhere in the world with internet access. 

Expert Sessions

Attend presentations from our lineup of 25+ speakers with trainings on breaking free from toxic dynamics, dealing with family estrangement, and living your truth. Your free ticket includes 24-hour access to each presentation during the week of the summit.

Private Summit Community

You’ll have access to our private Facebook community of fellow journeyers who are walking this healing path like you and making plans to take back their lives! This is where you’ll be able to connect with the speakers and other attendees before and during the event!


I am dedicated to helping you reclaim your life, voice, and sense of self. To help, you’ll hear about my signature program Reclaim You: Heal as Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents here and there throughout the event. 

On the final day, one lucky attendee will be selected to win a full scholarship and have instant access to course modules jam-packed with healing strategies, videos, resources and tools to help you take back your life.

Stay tuned for details and your chance to apply!

Upgrade for Extended Access! 

After registering, you’ll also have the chance to upgrade to the All Access Pass which includes ongoing access to the presentations after the summit wraps up, bonuses from our speakers, live sessions, and more! You’ll get all the details after grabbing your free ticket! 

June 29: Live, Interactive Day

  • Exploring Your Life’s Purpose Workshop - for All Access Pass holders only

  • Summit Connection Experience - Connect with fellow journeyers and discuss summit learnings in small breakout rooms.

  • Keynote Masterclass - “The true impact that growing up with a narcissistic parent still has on you today… And what you can do about it.

  • Closing Call

Testimonials from past summit attendees

Take Back Your Power

It’s time to stop feeling trapped by family dynamics and finally get your life back so that you can step into the person you are meant to be.

Have questions?

We’ve got answers!

  • If you’re curious about healing from toxic/narcissistic dynamics, this event is for you! We’ll be specifically talking to people who are focused on reclaiming their lives, but anyone else who wants to get started with their healing journey is welcome to join us.

  • Your free ticket includes 24 hour access to each of the presentations. If you need more time, you can always upgrade your ticket to the ALL ACCESS PASS after registering, which will give you lifetime access to the presentations along with bonuses from our speakers and more!

  • Each morning of the summit, the day’s presentations will be sent to your inbox @ 9am EST. Each day's presentations will be available to watch for 24 hours.

    If you sign up for the All Access Pass, you will get access to ALL presentations as soon as the summit begins on June 26 @ 9 AM EST.

  • There will be live events on EACH day of the summit!

    But as for presentations, to avoid tech glitches, give you the best possible experience, and keep things easy for the speakers, the presentations are pre-recorded and will be released at 9am Eastern during each day of the summit.

  • There are 3 Live speaker panels - one on each day from June 26 - 28. The panels are a live call with a group of our speakers. They will discuss the day’s theme and answer questions from attendees.

    While everyone can attend these calls, only CYCLE BREAKER KIT holders will have access to replays.

  • No. When you register, you’ll be added to my email list so I can send you updates for the event and links to each day’s presentations. After the summit is over, you’ll continue to hear from me, but you can unsubscribe at any time.

    Each of the speakers will have free resources available that you can access by providing an email address, but the speakers will not get your email address unless you choose to give it to them specifically. That way, you only hear from the people you really love and don't have to worry about getting added to 25 email lists that you're not interested in.

  • Yes. All presentations have closed captioning.

    Please reach out if there’s anything we can do to ensure you’re able to enjoy this event.

  • All of our speakers for the summit have been hand-picked and our slots are currently full. However, if you are interested in being considered for the next summit, email

  • Feel free to email

Take back your:


sense of self







life • sense of self • power • identity • voice • peace • joy • freedom •